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 Baradari History


History: The question as to who built it invites two theories.

 a)   BABA MOHAMMED SADIQ, related to the maternal side to the Ummats and an administrator of Nawanshahr got the Baradari constructed during his reign. In those days, the Butchars and Ummats who had their areas demarcated inhabited Nawanshahr. The law and order situation was not so good and Babaji got a tunnel constructed from the old building to his home in Baba Behra in Ummaton Mohalla.

SHRI. MOHAN LAL s/o RAM LAL has witnessed the tunnel during his youth. SHRI. TRALOKY NATH, s/o SHRI. PARMA NAND states that the tunnel passes under his house. Babaji and his family used the tunnel. The old building was probably where he relaxed and held meetings or where he worked.

b)     According to the second version, Jamadar Khushal Singh, a prominent minister in the court of Raja Ranjit Singh, constructed the Baradari. It had 12 gates and 4 gumbats, one in each corner. SHRI. SATPAL UMMAT claims to have seen large utensils in the cellar under the old building indicating the soldiers of Raja Ranjit Singh might have indeed stayed here.

Worshipers at Baradari

At this moment in time it is difficult to say which of the version is correct. The existence of the tunnel points that Baba Sadiq was using Baradari. And if he were using Baradari then in all likelihood he would have been responsible for its construction as well.

Maybe Jamadar Kushal Singh improved upon the area so as to make it fit for Raja Ranjit Singh to stay. The land where Baradari exists today was owned by the Ummat family thus making it more probable for Baba Mohammed Sadiq to have constructed it initially.

Baradari was an open area in the heart of Nawanshahr With the area around it getting heavily congested it would have served as a lung of the town. Today however many residential quarters of officers are lying inside the complex. The old building has been converted to Doaba Club. The garden has very few mango trees left and is in a state of disuse.

However, Prof. B.S. Balli, DPRO, Nawanshahr informs us that the State Government has directed the maintenance of Baradari at states expenses.


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