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 Mehran Sathi Sthan


Located in the eastern part of Nawanshahr, near the cremation ground Mehran Sati Sthan is one of the most important religious places for the Ummats.


As is evident from the name, Mehran was the name of the Sati hailing from Jaipur in Rajasthan. Child marriage was prevalent in those times and she was married to a member of the Ummat family while still in her teens.  

When her husband fell sick in Nawanshahr, he expressed a desire to see his wife who had gone to visit her parents. Baba Vishnu, the purohit of the Ummat family went to bring her. She dressed up as a bride would when leaving her in-laws place for Nawanshahr

On the way to the town, she is said to have stopped at the cremation ground and told Baba Vishnu that my husband is being brought to this place so there is no need for me to go to my in-laws house.  

True enough, her husband had indeed passed away and was being brought to the cremation ground. Mehran Sati is said to have sat in the pyre and performed Sati as her husband’s body was lit. Baba Vishnu who had accompanied the young Mehran also gave up his life in the same pyre.  

When Mehran Sati was cremated, a Choubara was built in the place. The Sati Sthan came to be known as Choubara Wali Sati. Before her death, she is reported to have said that married women of Ummat family should not wear dark green clothes, green glass bangles or put surma in their eyes.    

Presently the place has a room in which the samadhi of Mehran Sati is located. The outer area is bounded by walls and houses the samadhi of Baba Vishnu. A Chaubara is being built on top of the room.  

Sati Shrad: As per the Shrad tradition, on the seventh day of the Shrad period, a married Brahmin woman whose husband is still alive is fed with food and sweets.

  Sati Jhumma: It is said that whenever a member of the Ummat family is in difficulty, five members of the family sit together and worship Mehran Sati and request her to help them. They pledge at this time to offer Thumma.  

After the difficulty is overcome, the family makes two and quarter kg. sweets. Out of this seven pieces are offered to Sati Mata and Baba Vishnu. The balance of the sweets are distributed only amongst the members of the Ummat family as prasad. Married female members of the family are not supposed to take this. 

Every Diwali: before starting the celebrations, sweets are offered at the Sati Sthan and diyas are lit by members of the Ummat family at the samadhis of Mehran Sati and Baba Vishnu. 

After the marriage of any member of the Ummat family, the groom is supposed to go to the Sati Sthan and offer his prayers. 

Daughters and daughter-in-laws are not supposed to visit the Sati Sthan for worship as per the tradition.  

Some members of our family are already actively engaged in affecting improvements to the Sati Sthan. We welcome suggestions from every member of the Ummat family on keeping this important part of the family alive.

There are four other "sati's" in Ummat family normally TOHI Sati, Jayanthi Sati, BRAI Sati, and NANKI sati, However in absence of details about them, we are unable to furnish any.  





Ummat History

Historical Places  
  Shiwala Swaroop  
  Mehran Sathi Sthan
  Shitla Devi Mandir  
The Town  
Urdu Documents  
Origin Of Ummats  



Mehran Sathi Sthan


Inside Mehran Sathi Sthan

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